Thursday, July 31, 2014

4 Tricks to Lift Your Bum, Tone Your Belly, Firm Your Thighs and Bring You a Whole New Understanding of Warrior III

By Liz Lindh

For years I thought I could totally nail Virabhadrasana III, I didn’t even find it challenging. I considered it a simple balancing posture. Not much was going on, you simply fold forward a bit and lift one leg straight back, right? Nope. As I continued to refine my yoga practice and learned more about my body, I eventually realized I had been cheating myself out of an amazing asana without even knowing it. A great deal of awareness, strength and stability is required to keep the hips even, the legs firm, the lower back lengthened, the lower belly active and to prevent the lower ribs from flaring out...all while standing on one foot.

Virabhadrasana III is a great way to firm-up the lower body, repair back pain and prevent injuries. Practicing this asana strengthens all three of the gluteal muscles (maximus, medius and mimimus), the deep tiny little butt muscles like the piriformis and gemellus, the inner thigh muscles and the backs of the legs. It is therapeutic to the lower back because the spinal extensor muscles get activated, the iliopsoas muscle group gets stretched and the transverse abdominis gets stronger. 

Here are 4 of my favorite moves to develop the strength and understanding necessary to experience the full benefits of Warrior III:

1.) Table-Top Kicks and Balance

From all fours, tuck the right knee all the way in towards the nose as you exhale.
Inhale and extend the leg back so that is is straight, foot flexed, inner thigh rolling up to the sky, even hips and no arching or sagging the back. Repeat 12 times.
Hold the leg back, point the foot and extend the left arm forward so that it parallel to the ground, palm facing down. Be sure that the straight line of the back body is intact, no sagging or leaning to one side. Hips stay even, lower belly is pulling up, extended arm and leg are stretching. Hold for 5 breaths. Repeat the sequence on the opposite side.

  • Strengthens the muscles in the back and           abdomen
  • Introduces the proper alignment of the hips, torso and legs and creates a muscle memory for Virabhadrasana III
  • Opens and massages the spine
  • Lifts and tightens the bum

2.) Low Lunge with Side Bends

Start in a low lunge with the right leg forward. The knee is bent and directly above the ankle, the left
leg is stretching back with the knee and the top of the foot down on the floor. Keep the hips even.
Inhale and reach both arms up overhead. Exhale and side bend to stretch the left fingertips down to the floor (or a yoga block if the floor is too far away) and arch the right arm over your ear to the left. Inhale both arms overhead, exhale and side bend to bring the right fingertips down to the floor or a block and stretch the left arm over the ear to the right. Be sure to keep your shoulders in-line with your hips the entire time so that the shoulders, hips and arms are in the same plane. Inhale both arms up to the sky and repeat 3 more times. Switch legs and do 4 reps with the left leg forward.

  • Strengthens and brings a working awareness to the stabilizing muscles that are necessary in Warrior III to keep the pelvis and shoulders in-line
  • Opens and stretches the hip flexors, sides of the body, low back and spine
  • Massages and gently detoxifies the lymphatic system, the lungs and the liver

3.) Crescent-Toe Warrior Folding the Chest to the Thigh

Stand in Crescent-toe Warrior. The right leg is forward with the knee bent so it is directly above the ankle. The left leg is stretching back with the knee straight and tip toes on the floor. Keep the hips even and actively roll the left inner thigh toward the sky. Inhale the arms up overhead, exhale fold forward and wrap the arms around the thigh without collapsing. Inhale, lift the body upright and stretch the arms back overhead. Do 8 reps on each side.

  • Reminds the body of the proper alignment for the hips, torso and
    legs for Virabhadrasana III and reinforces the muscle memory without the challenge of balancing on one leg
  • Brings awareness to the muscles necessary in Warrior III to keep the pelvis and legs stable while holding the back thigh with an internal rotation
  • Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles
  • Massages and refreshes the abdominal organs
  • Firms the bum, thighs and backs of legs
4.) Bridge Pose with One Leg Reaching to the Sky
Lay prone with bent knees and feet flat on the floor. Extend the arms along side the body, press into the arms to lift the hips and spine up. Step the feet together and reach the right foot directly up above the hip so that the right leg is perpendicular to the floor, stretch through the right tip toes and press into the left foot. Hold for 10 breaths. Exhale the foot back to the floor and repeat with the other leg.

  • Refines the awareness of the position of the legs in relation to the body with the added challenge of balancing on one leg
  • Stretches the waist, opens the chest and lengthens the torso
  • Strengthens and tones the bum, legs and belly

To learn more about the details of your yoga practice, the benefits of specific asanas, how to target and tone different parts of your body and to enrich your life countless ways, join me on any 200 hour Intensive Yoga Alliance Approved Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program at our unique boutique yoga retreat wellness center in Costa Rica. Check our calendar, I am sure we have the perfect program for you! 
Thank you to the multi-talented kitchen angels!!!
photos: Cara Campbell
hair: Anneliese Hurlock

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