Thursday, July 31, 2014

4 Tricks to Lift Your Bum, Tone Your Belly, Firm Your Thighs and Bring You a Whole New Understanding of Warrior III

By Liz Lindh

For years I thought I could totally nail Virabhadrasana III, I didn’t even find it challenging. I considered it a simple balancing posture. Not much was going on, you simply fold forward a bit and lift one leg straight back, right? Nope. As I continued to refine my yoga practice and learned more about my body, I eventually realized I had been cheating myself out of an amazing asana without even knowing it. A great deal of awareness, strength and stability is required to keep the hips even, the legs firm, the lower back lengthened, the lower belly active and to prevent the lower ribs from flaring out...all while standing on one foot.

Virabhadrasana III is a great way to firm-up the lower body, repair back pain and prevent injuries. Practicing this asana strengthens all three of the gluteal muscles (maximus, medius and mimimus), the deep tiny little butt muscles like the piriformis and gemellus, the inner thigh muscles and the backs of the legs. It is therapeutic to the lower back because the spinal extensor muscles get activated, the iliopsoas muscle group gets stretched and the transverse abdominis gets stronger. 

Here are 4 of my favorite moves to develop the strength and understanding necessary to experience the full benefits of Warrior III:

1.) Table-Top Kicks and Balance

From all fours, tuck the right knee all the way in towards the nose as you exhale.
Inhale and extend the leg back so that is is straight, foot flexed, inner thigh rolling up to the sky, even hips and no arching or sagging the back. Repeat 12 times.
Hold the leg back, point the foot and extend the left arm forward so that it parallel to the ground, palm facing down. Be sure that the straight line of the back body is intact, no sagging or leaning to one side. Hips stay even, lower belly is pulling up, extended arm and leg are stretching. Hold for 5 breaths. Repeat the sequence on the opposite side.

  • Strengthens the muscles in the back and           abdomen
  • Introduces the proper alignment of the hips, torso and legs and creates a muscle memory for Virabhadrasana III
  • Opens and massages the spine
  • Lifts and tightens the bum

2.) Low Lunge with Side Bends

Start in a low lunge with the right leg forward. The knee is bent and directly above the ankle, the left
leg is stretching back with the knee and the top of the foot down on the floor. Keep the hips even.
Inhale and reach both arms up overhead. Exhale and side bend to stretch the left fingertips down to the floor (or a yoga block if the floor is too far away) and arch the right arm over your ear to the left. Inhale both arms overhead, exhale and side bend to bring the right fingertips down to the floor or a block and stretch the left arm over the ear to the right. Be sure to keep your shoulders in-line with your hips the entire time so that the shoulders, hips and arms are in the same plane. Inhale both arms up to the sky and repeat 3 more times. Switch legs and do 4 reps with the left leg forward.

  • Strengthens and brings a working awareness to the stabilizing muscles that are necessary in Warrior III to keep the pelvis and shoulders in-line
  • Opens and stretches the hip flexors, sides of the body, low back and spine
  • Massages and gently detoxifies the lymphatic system, the lungs and the liver

3.) Crescent-Toe Warrior Folding the Chest to the Thigh

Stand in Crescent-toe Warrior. The right leg is forward with the knee bent so it is directly above the ankle. The left leg is stretching back with the knee straight and tip toes on the floor. Keep the hips even and actively roll the left inner thigh toward the sky. Inhale the arms up overhead, exhale fold forward and wrap the arms around the thigh without collapsing. Inhale, lift the body upright and stretch the arms back overhead. Do 8 reps on each side.

  • Reminds the body of the proper alignment for the hips, torso and
    legs for Virabhadrasana III and reinforces the muscle memory without the challenge of balancing on one leg
  • Brings awareness to the muscles necessary in Warrior III to keep the pelvis and legs stable while holding the back thigh with an internal rotation
  • Strengthens the back and abdominal muscles
  • Massages and refreshes the abdominal organs
  • Firms the bum, thighs and backs of legs
4.) Bridge Pose with One Leg Reaching to the Sky
Lay prone with bent knees and feet flat on the floor. Extend the arms along side the body, press into the arms to lift the hips and spine up. Step the feet together and reach the right foot directly up above the hip so that the right leg is perpendicular to the floor, stretch through the right tip toes and press into the left foot. Hold for 10 breaths. Exhale the foot back to the floor and repeat with the other leg.

  • Refines the awareness of the position of the legs in relation to the body with the added challenge of balancing on one leg
  • Stretches the waist, opens the chest and lengthens the torso
  • Strengthens and tones the bum, legs and belly

To learn more about the details of your yoga practice, the benefits of specific asanas, how to target and tone different parts of your body and to enrich your life countless ways, join me on any 200 hour Intensive Yoga Alliance Approved Yoga Teacher Training Certification Program at our unique boutique yoga retreat wellness center in Costa Rica. Check our calendar, I am sure we have the perfect program for you! 
Thank you to the multi-talented kitchen angels!!!
photos: Cara Campbell
hair: Anneliese Hurlock

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Costa Rica Yoga Retreat Featured Teacher - Justine Fuller

I am a firm believer in the concept of “stepping outside of the box”. I see all of the pressures that modern life puts on everybody to fit into some sort of box, physically and metaphorically. We are a culture of compartmentalization.  In fact, many of us spend all day long moving from one box to the next box even when we make our way to a yoga class (usually in some sort of a box) and step onto our mat (yet another box). I say no thank you, there is nothing about me that is interested in experiencing a life of confinement.  

This week I am pleased to introduce the innovative yogini Justine Fuller as our guest blogger. Justine is a mold breaker with an expansive perspective. She has created a 6’ diameter round yoga mat! Have you ever felt like your yoga mat is too small or simply too restrictive? I certainly have. I love to give my body permission to move around freely while enjoying my yoga practice, but I find that it isn’t always comfortable to be half on the floor and half on the mat. I’ve also noticed that it can be a little slippery and difficult to balance if my body isn’t placed symmetrically on my mat. Life can make it difficult to step out of the box but Justine is making it easy for us. She will be hosting a Costa Rica Yoga Retreat at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers February 8-14, 2015 where you can experience her Fuller Mat™. I can’t wait to try it myself! 
Sending you some jungle love, Liz Lindh

Breaking the Yoga Mold
How Fuller Yoga™ keeps your practice fresh.
By Justine Fuller

Yoga has been a great asset to my long history of physical activity.  From gymnastics to dance to yoga I have always been active and I never practice the same thing twice.  I’ve been a rebel against regimented styles that do the same thing each and every time.  Although I have taught and taken Ashtanga, I’ve always complimented it with other yoga practices in order to keep things fresh and new.

The traditional yoga mat is an integral part of one’s practice, fashion statement and lifestyle yet also a limiting space for the body.  In 2004 while working with a client who had a hard time comprehending the idea of swinging her legs on the floor while laying on her back it dawned on me that these “traditional yoga mats” are far too limiting.  In fact they are damn near the size of coffins!  The mat needed to be bigger and rounder so I created The Fuller Mat™.  Even though I had been teaching since 1998 and practicing since 1996, yoga was still fairly new on the market.  I had to search high and low to find a source for such a long and wide roll of sticky material that could be adaptive as a yoga mat.  I was lucky to be able to get a small quantity and begin developing and practicing and teaching Fuller Yoga™ on The Fuller Mat™.

Since then using The Fuller Mat™ has blessed me with profound insights on postures and transitions that can not only open joints and muscles more thoroughly, but also develop patterns that help move a practitioner more easily into arm balances, backbends and twists that most people struggle with for years.  My students have gained leaps and bounds in their flexibility and learned to trust the circles and patterns we work with. They can feel the right connection to what flows and what doesn’t both in their practice which then gets translated to their life.

In winter of 2015, I move Fuller Yoga™ out into the world by offering a week long yoga retreat at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers in Costa Rice February 8-14, 2015.  We will be able to develop our practice with two yoga classes a day and also define space and flow for ourselves in practice and in life.  For more details on the retreat please visit;

Thursday, July 17, 2014

23 Questions to Ponder

by Liz Lindh

The inspiration for our blog this week comes from an article I read over the weekend in an email newsletter I enjoy called Brain Pickings Weekly. The article was David Bowie’s answers to a set of questions from the book “Vanity Fair’s Proust Questionnaire: 101 Luminaries Ponder Love, Death, Happiness, and the Meaning of Life”, a compilation of celebrity interviews from the back page of Vanity Fair. I’m sure you all know David Bowie, and many of you know Marcel Proust, but I will explain a bit more so that we are all on the same page. Marcel Proust was a French writer, critic and socialite at the turn of the 20th century. His brilliant mind explored the relationship between memory and the unconscious, art and Nature, men and women, men and men...
Asking friends variations of these questions was a popular parlor game in Proust’s day to shed some insight into the true nature of one’s personality. He didn’t write the questions, but his answers continue to be thought provoking and clever. James Lipton also adapted this questionnaire for his interviews on the TV show Inside the Actors Studio.
The questions are simple yet profound, and seem to be the perfect way to introduce our guest teachers and retreat leaders to our online kula. This week I have revealed my inner most self in answering them, I hope you enjoy!

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Perfect happiness is eating a delicious meal with people I love; fresh, local, healthy food and interesting conversation in a lovely environment, followed by dancing
Also, quiet time with Jeff.

What is your most marked characteristic?
I want the best for everyone; humans, animals and the planet...and I believe achieving that is possible, not mutually exclusive.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Maintaining my imagination as an adult

What is your greatest fear?
That love isn’t enough

What historical figure do you most identify with?

Which living person do you most admire?
That’s a tough one...Jane Goodall?

Who are your heroes in real life?
People who influence the world in a positive way through creativity and leadership

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Feeling inadequate

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Closed-minded self-righteousness

What is your favorite journey?
The holographic depths of self-exploration

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?
Physical attractiveness

Which word or phrases do you most overuse?

What is your greatest regret?
Bad real estate investments

What is your current state of mind?

If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?
I wish they were more health conscious

What is your most treasured possession?
My body

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?

Where would you like to live?
In a tree-house in the jungle in Costa Rica

What is your favorite occupation?

What is the quality you most like in a man?

What is the quality you like most in a woman?

What are your favorite names?
Sophie and Eskil

What is your motto?
Savor every moment, it’s all a miracle

Liz Lindh is the Director at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers, a unique boutique Eco-conscious yoga retreat and yoga teacher training wellness center in luscious Costa Rica.
She is a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a licensed holistic skin care therapist and yogini for the past 20 years. Liz hosts retreats and teacher trainings where ancient wisdom meets modern expression to inspire personal growth and transformation. Join her at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers August 27- September 2, November 23- 29, December 21-27 and December 28- January 3 for The Sanctuary Experience Yoga Retreat, February 15- 21, 2015 for Jungle Alchemy Life Empowerment Training with Jaycee Gossett, April 12- May 2 or June 28- July 18, 2015 Jungle Alchemy Yoga Teacher Training Certification, May 17- June 6, 2015 The Sanctuary at Two Rivers Yoga Teacher Training Certification and August 2-22, 2015 Universal Wisdom Yoga Teacher Training Certification with Marg Mahan.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Quiz: What Kind of Yoga Retreat Is Right for You? Costa Rica Yoga Retreat Featured Teacher - Melissa Eisler

By Melissa Eisler

Please welcome our guest blogger, Melissa Eisler. Melissa will be hosting a yoga retreat at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers November 9-15, 2014. I met Melissa on a yoga retreat in Costa Rica a few years back and we had an instant connection. I am so excited she is coming to share her wisdom, humor and beauty with us! Enjoy xo Liz

You’re probably reading this because you’ve been feeling stressed out and need a break from the grind,
or you have an interest in yoga or meditation. Maybe you’ve dabbled or fully explored a practice, and want to learn more. A yoga retreat is a great way to dive into the practice, disconnect from the distractions of everyday life, and really connect with yourself and explore your practice.

But once you make the exciting decision to align your next vacation with a yoga or meditation practice, it almost becomes an added stressor to choose the right one for you. 

Beachside or mountain top?  Local, or far away and exotic? Ashtanga or Kripalu? Your favorite teacher or someone new? Small, intimate group or big community? Focus on yoga or meditation? Can I have it all?

Overwhelming it becomes to choose. Take this quiz to find out your retreat style, and then get some suggestions on yoga retreats based on your responses. Choose the letter that most closely aligns with you, and we’ll add them up at the end.

1: What does a dream getaway look like to you?
  1. Anywhere beautiful where I can relax, and unwind
  2. Lots of exercise and activities. Specific location doesn’t matter as much as long as it’s beautiful
  3. Anywhere I can be active and in nature, preferably somewhere exotic or a place I’ve never been where I can explore
  4. I like to be pampered on my vacations, so my dream vaca would probably be at one of those resorts I saw featured on TV, maybe in Maui, Europe, or Fiji
  5. It looks simple, peaceful and serene, a place I can completely disconnect

2: What style of yoga is your favorite?
  1. There are different styles in yoga? 
  2. Power yoga
  3. Vinyasa flow, although I dabble with a few styles and enjoy a variety
  4. I like the yoga class that my gym or studio offers
  5. I prefer a meditative, mindful movement or hatha practice
3. How present is yoga and/or meditation in your life?
  1. I’m pretty new, but want it to be a bigger part of my life
  2. I get to a class at least twice a week
  3. I practice some kind of yoga or meditation daily, whether on or “off the mat”
  4. It’s been in and out of my life for some time
  5. I have a daily meditation practice

4. Your ideal place to practice yoga or meditation would be
  1. Anywhere warm and by the beach. As long as there is a patient teacher to show me the ropes … 
  2. In a hot yoga studio
  3. Anywhere outdoors, like on a mountaintop, at the beach, or in the middle of the jungle 
  4. At a 5-star spa
  5. Somewhere simple and quiet

5. If you had next Friday off of work or school, what would be most fun for you?
  1. Brunch with friends and family, then just relax and unwind
  2. Bootcamp followed by a run or yoga class. Finish it off with a power smoothie.
  3. Hike or climb in the morning, yoga in the afternoon, make a healthy dinner at home
  4. Brunch with friends and family in the morning, shop in the afternoon, fancy dinner in the eve
  5. Start my day with a seated or walking meditation, and spend the day relaxing, reading, doing something I love.

6. What would your goal or intention be for going on a yoga retreat?
  1. Not sure I have a specific goal, but I’d like to learn more about yoga and/or meditation, relax, and enjoy the sunshine
  2. To practice as many hours of yoga as I can! Spending time at the beach sounds good, too
  3. To unwind, practice, and spend time in nature. Also, to meet like-minded people and eat healthy, local food
  4. To relax with yoga, massages, facials, fancy food and sunshine
  5. To have a completely inward journey, free of distraction. To transform through inner silence and peace

7.  My favorite lunch would be:
  1. Healthy sandwich or salad, iced tea and maybe some fro-yo
  2. Power smoothie or my favorite all-natural bar
  3. Organic kale and quinoa salad, half a grapefruit, wash it down with a kombucha
  4. My favorite order at my favorite cafĂ© 
  5. Healthy, simple and vegetarian

8. What do you normally wear to yoga or meditation class?
  1. Yoga pants, sports bra, tank top
  2. High-tech-fiber, sweat-absorbing, and stylish yoga gear
  3. Organic and sustainable yoga or active wear 
  4. Lulu all the way
  5. Loose-fitting, comfortable clothes

9.  Pick a mantra.
  1. Viravawha-wha-what? Is that a mantra?
  2. Fill in any prefix before “…asana” 
  3. Shanti. Shanti. Shanti. Peace. Peace. Peace.
  4. Om
  5. Inhale, Exhale

Answer Key:
  • Mostly A’s
  • Mostly B’s
  • Mostly C’s
  • Mostly D’s
  • Mostly E’s

Mostly A’s: The Seeker
You’ve dabbled in yoga or meditation, but you’re still fresh to the practice. You may not know the difference between warrior 2 and 3, but you want to dive in and learn more. And you love the sunshine and always bring your open spirit, open mind, and hunger for learning to every situation. 

Retreat Recommendation: Take your practice on the road! The best way to learn about yoga and meditation is to immerse yourself in the practice … and a retreat would help you do just that. 

Join Lena Schmitt and Melissa Eisler (yup, that’s me) for a week of daily, guided yoga and meditation
in the Costa Rican Jungle-by-the-Sea. The intention for the week is to guide all levels of students on a journey toward finding a meditation and yoga practice that’s right for them. With daily yoga and guided meditation sessions, you’ll be able to get a sense of a daily rhythm, and be encouraged to bring the consistency of the practice home with you once the week is over. Plus, two teachers means more attention, and if you’re new to the practice, the extra attention will go a long way to step up your learning curve.

The program will be full of classes, workshops, activities, Q&A, and opportunities to connect with nature, yourself, and like-minded people. A week this November may be the perfect time to kick-start your practice. Learn more about the Jungle-by-the-Sea Eco-Yoga Retreat.    

Mostly B’s: The Power Yogi
You’re strong, fit and a total badass. You can keep up with all the Chaturangas in class, and peak poses are your favorite. You love the physical practice of yoga because you get a solid workout, but also love how it calms your mind. For you, the more you sweat, the better the class. And the more the instructor challenges you, the happier you are when you leave. 

Mostly C’s: The Eco-Yoga Retreater
You love nature, traveling, food, and yoga. So … you’re pretty much already awesome. If you’re looking for a yoga retreat that incorporates hiking, natures, monkeys, locally-sourced food, sustainability, meditation, and of course yoga, look no further. 

Join Lena Schmitt and Melissa Eisler (yup, that’s me) for a week in the Costa Rican Jungle-by-the-Sea. The intention for the week is to guide students on a journey toward finding a meditation and yoga practice that’s right for them. With daily yoga and guided meditation practices, you’ll be able to get a sense of a daily rhythm, and be encouraged to bring the practice home with you once the week is over. 

The program will be full of classes, workshops, activities, opportunities to connect with nature, yourself, and like-minded people. Spending time in nature is a great way to disconnect, to reconnect … 

Did we mention you stay in tree-houses in the jungle?  Learn more about the Jungle-by-the-Sea Eco-Yoga Retreat of 2014.  

Mostly D’s: The Lux-Spa-Yogi-in-Style
Southern France, Maui, Tuscany, LA ... the perfect paradise to you is white sand, pressed sheets, good service, and a pristine place to put your mat. You love the good life, and I commend you for your style. The first thing you do when you arrive on vacation? Enjoy the view from your terrace and get a massage to settle into the flow of your vacation. And let out a giant sigh … 

Mostly E’s: The Silent Retreater
You like simple beauty, quiet moments, and being connected with nature. You are already on your path to finding an inner strength and awareness, but always looking to awaken at a deeper   level. Your practice is consistent, your diet is healthy and simple, and you are drawn to spending a week diving into the depths of your soul. 

Retreat Recommendation: It’s time to step your meditation practice up a notch at a silent retreat. Check this out … 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Why You Should Take a Yoga Teacher Training Intensive at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers

by Liz Lindh

Every moment at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers is Yoga, not just the time we spend on the mat. We live in harmony with the plants and animals that make their homes all around us and our connection to Nature is very clear. The monkeys and singing birds wake us up every morning, we eat lovingly prepared organic vegetarian food from local farms, we gather energy from the sun for our electricity and take time to express gratitude for the abundant beauty that surrounds us.  I have learned more about the essence of Yoga by simply living here than I have in thousands of hours of teacher trainings, reading books and taking classes.

If you are thinking of participating in a Yoga Teacher Training, which I highly recommend as a life enriching experience even if you have no intention of teaching, please consider joining us at our tropical paradise in the Blue Zone of Costa Rica. A bonus to signing up for a YTT at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers, aside from our luxe tropical modern zen tree houses and vegan gluten-free chocolate torte, is the rare opportunity to personally experience Nature as your teacher.

This upcoming year we have a few Yoga Teacher Training Certification options for you to choose from with some of the best teachers in the world! You can choose the program or the dates that appeal to you and sign-up for the experience of a lifetime!

Here are three more reasons why a YTT at The Sanctuary at Two Rivers is a great thing to do...
  • A yoga teacher training immersion with us gives you three weeks to focus on reading, studying, asking questions, discussing and practicing yoga with curious, interesting people from around the world without the inevitable distractions of life at home. We take good care of you. It is a time for you to enjoy life while learning about yourself and making new friends. 
  • It is a juicy opportunity to delve deeper into aspects of the art, science and philosophy of yoga that are too complex to explore in a regular studio class or workshop. You will discover that there is much more to yoga than just the physical practice, and you will also discover that there is much more to the physical practice than you thought.
  • Spending your time and money on something healthy you enjoy, especially an educational endeavor that promotes personal growth and healthy relationships, is the best investment I know of! It is priceless and precious.
If you are ready for some personal growth and transformation; love Nature...tropical flowers and trees, exotic animals, and living in tune with the elements; are a foodie and are ready to deepen your life experience, then it is time to spend three weeks in paradise with us! Check out our website for our upcoming trainings:!